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Sinan Logie Spatial Conditions

Öktem Aykut
Spatial Conditions is Sinan Logie’s 6th solo exhibition and his most comprehensive one yet. The exhibition presents an extensive summary encompassing the interests, creative fields, and media of artistic expression for Logie who, apart from being an artist, also is an architect, an urban researcher, an activist, an author, and a professor. Ark Kültür in Cihangir, one of the rare Art Deco buildings in Istanbul, hosts Logie’s three big installations, sculptures, paintings, and patterns. The exhibition stands out among Logie’s previous shows especially with its reference to the tradition of sanctuary architecture.
As an urban reseracher and activist, Logie has a unique approach that can examine the contrast and tides of the Anthropocene period in both a critical and affectionate style. It bears an insightful optimism fort he overcoming of many injustices anddifficulties about Istanbul with individual, mass, and traditional ways. When this optimism meets Logie’s mobile spatial arrangements and gestural artistic expression, it presents a vivacious and unique sense of aesthetics. What sets Spatial
Conditions apart from Logie’s production in various professional fields is that this is the first time Logie’s artistic expression is defined with such clear transcendentalism. With his previous exhibitions in 2018, The Elementary Particles at Öktem Aykut and Samples of Topography at Siyah Beyaz, Logie oved his skill to both go beyond himself and to turn inwards at the same time. In Spatial Conditions, Logie displays his critival approach and artistic ambitions in a more bold and naked way, thanks to his brave attempt towards transcendentalism, thus farther traveling inside to the core of artistic thought.