Showing 1–30 of 254 results
Cem SonelLED Panel, computer code, neon paint on mdf90h x 371w x 8d cm / 35 3/8h x 146 1/8w x 3 1/8d inAnna LaudelDetails
Cem SonelP4 LED panel, HD-D35 controller, stainless steel, computer code33h x 33w x 22d cm / 13 x 13 x 8 5/8 inAnna LaudelDetails
Cem SonelP4 LED panel, HD-D35 controller, stainless steel, computer code33h x 33w x 22d cm / 13 x 13 x 8 5/8 inAnna LaudelDetails
Ekin KanoJesmonite, mineral atık, buluntu deri, tuval üzerine tempera ve mineral atık bazlı pigmentDeğişken boyutlar 2021Art On IstanbulDetails
Bilal YılmazPirinç, özel hareketli ışık / brass, custom moving light40 x 50 x 30 cmArt On IstanbulDetails
Canan DağdelenBeyaz toprak, engob, ince çelik sicim, pleksi plaka / White clay, slip, fine steel cord, acrylic plate250 x 120 x 100 cmArt On IstanbulDetails
Canan DağdelenAluminyum, ince çelik sicim / Aluminum, fine steel cord375 x 300 x 180 cmArt On IstanbulDetails
Meliha SözeriPaslanmaz çelik delikli tel, tel / Stainless steel wire mesh, wire6 m x 2 mArt On IstanbulDetails
OddvizFotogrametrik sanal yerlestirme / Photogrammetric virtual installation Diasec84 x 150 cm | Ed. 5 + 1 ApArt On IstanbulDetails
OddvizFotogrametrik sanal yerleştirme / Photogrammetric virtual installation150 x 266 cm | Ed. 5+1 Ap ve 84 x 150 cm | Ed. 5+1 ApArt On IstanbulDetails
OddvizFotogrametrik sanal yerleştirme / Photogrammetric virtual installation150 x 266 cm | Ed. 5+1 Ap ve 84 x 150 cm | Ed. 5+1 ApArt On IstanbulDetails
OddvizArşivsel diasec baskı / Archival diasec print150 x 250 cm | Ed. 5+1 Ap ve 90 x 150 cm | Ed. 5+1 ApArt On IstanbulDetails
OddvizArşivsel diasec baskı / Archival diasec print133 x 266 cm | Ed. 5+1 Ap ve 75 x 150 cm | Ed. 5+1 ApArt On IstanbulDetails
Showing 1–30 of 254 results