Ziyatin Nuriev

With his first steps on the path of art, that is, after graduating from the National Academy of Arts in Sofia (1981), Ziyatin Nuriev begins to sculpt extraordinarily impressive human figures using granite and basalt. The story of passionate and eternal attachment to stone as a plastic material goes back to the Rhodopes, where he was born in the mountains of Bulgaria. Despite the social and aesthetic norms imposed by the totalitarian system of the 1980s, artistic consciousness opens up specifically to contemporary postmodern formations and different dimension stages of visual imagination. A new discourse and a modern language of expression that includes stylistically abstarctionist tendencies, references to surrealism, neo-expressionism, hyperrealism, constructivism, abstract expressionism and conceptualism, including talented artists and strong representatives of the young generation, including Ziyatin Nuriev, who is tired of the realistic figure and mediocre themes imposed by the dominant cultural policy. They seek out new styles. Ziyatin succeeds in creating an individual concept that makes him unique among the artists of the period, with his unique approach to the human image in sculpture art, rather than being conceptualist.
Ziyatin's figures create a sense of permanence, such as solidity, a distinct durability and sense of eternity despite traces of destruction. Another factor that strengthens this feeling is that the artist's determination in sculpting is so right with the hardness of the material and so self-confident that we are getting closer to the originality of the old masters. However, Ziyatin Nuriev is a modern artist who belongs entirely to our time. In his artistic style, we see that he not only carries a high spirituality, the power of wisdom and the eternity of the old sculpture, but also carries the lines of synthetic cubism, constructivism and minimalism, which provides him with pure, determined and modern visual expression possibilities, and blends these features in harmony. This is exactly what makes Ziyatin's concept of the human image extraordinarily impressive and qualified.
Nuriev creates magical stone "columns" that culminate in the simplicity of forms and the synthetism, with relief decorations made of magnificent vertical objects, different surfaces and concrete indices. The ritual and sacred aspects of these works are emphatic, impressive, very powerful, suggesting that they were built for worship in front of an almost ultramodern altar. They drag people into being drawn into themselves and contemplating with awe.
With his natural wisdom and intuition, Ziyatin Nuriev adds dramatic tones to his new works and carries us to the field of serious spiritual, ethical and aesthetic contradictions of human beings. Aslına Nuriev never dealt with the expression of ordinary things in her art, but always sought the universal and the essential, the essential states: the disturbance of moral standards, the salvation and durability of the essential, the integrity and division of existence, mortality and death, the mystery and blessedness of devotion, the complex rhythm of life, like the cleansing of hearts that seek that harmony and salvation that can only be achieved through art...
Romanian Serafimov
art critic
Curator of Varna-City Art Gallery and
August in the Arts - Director of the Visual Arts Beinal
1955 - Born in Bulgaria
1974 – Graduated from Kazanlak Fine Arts High School in Bulgaria
1982 – Graduated from Sofia Fine Arts Academy
1982 – 1992 continued his work as a freelance artist in Bulgaria
1992 – He was invited as a lecturer to Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts, where he is still working.
2020 - Bulgaria, Sofia, Gallery ARTE, group exhibition
2019 - Bulgaria, Varna, GALLERY 8, solo exhibition
2017 - International Sculpture Symposium, Eskişehir, Türkiye
2017 - Bulgaria, KIRCALI CITY ART MUSEUM, solo exhibition
2016 - Bulgaria, SOFIA CITY ART MUSEUM , Retrospective exhibition
2014 - Gallery ISIK, Istanbul, Solo exhibition
2013 - Art Gallery RESONANS, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, solo exhibition.
2013 – GALLERIA 8, Varna, Bulgaria, solo exhibition
2009 – Bulgaria M-tel exhibition, Varna
2009 – ‘Meetings’, Afyon Kocatepe University,
2008 _ Galeria 'Prolet', Burgas, Bulgaria
2006 – Art exhibition in Akmerkez, Istanbul.
2006 – ‘Autumn Exhibitions’- Plovdiv, Bulgaria – solo exhibition
2005 – International Sculpture Symposium, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands
2005 – 8th International Marble Sculpture Symposium, Palaces, Marmara Island
2005 – Participation in METU Art Events, Ankara, Türkiye
2005 – Gallery Simoncini – solo exhibition, Luxembourg
2004 – Istanbul Art Fair
2004 – International Sculpture Symposium, Fuertoventura, Canary Islands
2002 – Yurt ve Dünya Art Gallery – solo exhibition, Istanbul, Turkey Kyoto, Japan
2003 – “The Intercommunication by Soul”, Kyoto Project 2003, Raku Art Gallery,
2002 – Art-Ist Art Fair, Istanbul, Turkey L'Hers, France
2002 – CAT-ART Contemporary Art Center, “Art et Nature – BOSC” event, St. Colombe rampart
2002 – 1st International Limestone Sculpture Symposium, Van Türkiye
2001 – 1st Maltepe Painting and Sculpture Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey
2000 – “Turquoise-2000 A Section of Contemporary Turkish Plastic Arts”, Paris-Amien, France; I
2000 – Participation in the 10th Istanbul Art Fair
1997 - Participation in the International Toyamura Sculpture Biennial
1996 – Gallery Dosev – solo exhibition, Sofia, Bulgaria
1996 – Eylül Art Gallery – group exhibition, Istanbul, Türkiye
1995 – 1st Yalova Stone Sculpture Symposium, Yalova Türkiye
1995 – P.G. Art gallery – solo exhibition, Istanbul, Türkiye
1994 – Aphrodie Art Gallery Izmir, Türkiye
1994 – Sculpture works and exhibition as a special guest in Iwasse, Japan
1993 – Participation in the 3rd Istanbul Art Fair
1993 – Avşa Island 1st Hadi Bara Granite Sculpture Symposium, Turkey
1992 – Vakko İzmir Art Gallery – personal exhibition
1992 – Vakko Istanbul Art Gallery – personal exhibition
1991 – Participation in the 1st Istanbul Art Fair
1991 – Vakko Ankara Art Gallery – personal exhibition
1988 – Abruzzo, Italy – exhibition of Bulgarian art
1988 – Hemus Art Gallery – solo exhibition, Sofia, Bulgaria
1987 – Solo exhibition within the framework of Plovdiv Autumn Exhibitions, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
1986 – Varna Open Air Sculpture Exhibition, Varna, Bulgaria
1986 – International Sculpture Symposium, Oronsko, Poland
1985 – Accepted as a member of the Union of Bulgarian Painters
1985 – National Young Artists Exhibition
1983 – 6th International Biennial of Humor and Comedy, Gabrovo, Bulgaria
1982 – International Stone Sculpture Symposium, Burgas, Bulgaria
1982 – Young Artists Exhibition, Sofia, Bulgaria
1982 – International Stone Sculpture Symposium, Burgas, Bulgaria – Grand Prize
1985 – Bulgarian Painters Union Award at the National Young Artists Exhibition
1987 – Varna Open Air Sculpture Exhibition – First Prize
1987 – Bulgarian Artists Union 1987 Sculpture Award
1988 – “Pirin – Blagoevgrad” Painting and Sculpture Exhibition - First Prize
1998 – Rumeli Holding Sculpture Competition – Honorable Mention (with Ü. Öztürk)
2002 – Trabzon City Entrance Arteries Sculpture Competition – First Prize and Honorable Mention (with Ü.Öztürk)