Serdar Eğer

Serdar Eğer (b.1981) graduated from Pamukkale University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Painting in 2004. The artist, who worked
on oil painting with various techniques for a while, has been continuing his artistic activities on sculpture since 2010. He lives and works in
Eğitim / Education
2004, Department of Painting (BA), Pamukkale University
Fuarlar / Fairs
2024, 9th Artweeks, Gallery KAIROS, İstanbul
2024, Artshow, Gallery KAIROS, İstanbul
Grup Sergileri / Group Exhibitions
2025, Ara, Gülden Bostancı Gallery, Antalya
2024, 3, Gallery KAIROS, İstanbul
2024, Self, Den Art Gallery, Antalya
2024, Olympos Exhibitions III / Interior Space, İstanbul
Serdar EğerAkrilik, Epoksi / Acrylic, Epoxyl52 x 35 x 20 cm Kaide / Pedestal 20x20x100 cmKAIROSDetails
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