Selçuk Artut

Selçuk Artut's (1976) artistic research and productions focus on the theoretical and practical dimensions of the human-technology relationship. Artut's works include Dystopie Sound Art Festival (Berlin, 2018), Moving Image NY (New York, 2015), Art13 London (London, 2013), ICA London (London, 2012), Art Hong Kong (Hong Kong, 2011), 10. He was exhibited at the Istanbul Biennial (Istanbul, 2007) and took part in channels such as Artsy, Creative Applications, CoDesign, Visual Complexity, CNN GO. The artist completed his doctorate in Media and Communication at the European Graduate School in Switzerland. Currently, she is running the Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design program at Sabancı University, where she teaches Sound and Interaction. He has released many albums with the post-rock avant-garde music group Replikas, of which he has been a member since 1998. In 2016, together with Alp Tuğan, he founded the audio and video performance group called RAW, which produces works with the live coding method.