Renin Bilginer

Rooted within the context of her mixed British and Turkish heritage, Renin’s practice interrogates what it means to exist as a woman between Eastern and Western cultures, confronting the issues surrounding womanhood, non- conformity and the embodiment of multiple identities. Inspired by her research on 19th century pleasure gardens, the work explores the transformative power of masking, masquerade and environment, in relation to identity; through the reclamation of the ‘exotic’ female body, the work explores themes of rebellion, hedonism and femininity, within a fantasy world free from patriarchal systems.
Influenced by Renin’s research on Eastern miniature painting and Turkish textiles, the work embodies a rich cultural narrative, explored through the compositional and material qualities of the work. The revival of craftsmanship within a fine-arts context drives Renin’s practice; the method of mixing pigments and dye pastes, painting with dye and dyeing fabrics has become a vital part of her process.
Through her unique visual language, Renin investigates how painting can evolve, expand and move away from traditionally male-centric forms, intending to subvert the historical association between women and textiles. Her recent works begin to move into the realms of installation, with the intention of inviting the viewer to become part of the narrative and to encourage a more immersive
experience of painting.
Renin BilginerDyed canvas, dyed calico, dye paste, acrylic, pen, embroidery, thread, wood182 x 108 cmBosforDetails