Nadide Akdeniz
In 1966, she graduated from Gazi Education Institute, Department of Painting and Graphics. She was the student of Turan Erol, Adnan Turani and Nevide Gökaydın. She received his bachelor's degree from Dokuz Eylül University Buca Education Faculty Art Education Department. Shee worked as a graphic artist for a while. She worked as a teacher and graphic designer in secondary education and higher education institutions, in Izmir Buca Education Institute between 1975 and 1980, and in Ankara Gazi Education Institute in 1975 in accelerated education programs. In her early paintings, an understanding that includes ironical elements in places, within the framework of a critical observation of urban life and people, predominated; From the 1990s on, she turned to a new narrative in which he interpreted the details of nature with a photorealistic technique. These paintings draw attention with meticulous workmanship and a colorist attitude dominated by blue and green tones. The artist living and working in Istanbul.
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