Harut Mnatsakanyan

Harut Mnatsakanyan was born in 1999, Sisian, Armenia. He studied at the Painting Department of Culture House of Nor Kharberd between 2010-2014. After his graduation, he studied at the Painting Department of Yerevan State College of Fine Arts after P. Terlemezyan between2014-2021.
Mnatsakanyan's works were first included in the group exhibition titled “Sunset” held at the Henrik Igityan Exhibition Hall (Yerevan) in 2013. Afterwards, he participated in group exhibitions held at the Terlemezyan Exhibition Hall in 2014, 2015 and 2016. Also his works were exhibited in group exhibitions held at the Artists’ Union of Armenia in 2015, 2019 and 2020. In 2020, the artist received the “Best Student of the Year” award by the Artists’ Union of Armenia.
While light and shadow remain in the background in Mnatsakanyan's paintings, color comes to the foreground. This color feast, in which great enthusiasm is reflected with vibrant bursts of colors that float, glide and even splash, is used to portray not only the existent but also the non-existent. For Mnatsakanyan, painting time and movement in his works is just as important as color. In order to add time and movement to his works, he creates knots reminiscent of ever-changing superimposed images of objects in motion, as in long exposure photographs, and expresses them with vibrant intricate bursts of color. The artist believes that these additions add dynamism to his paintings.