Fırat Engin
1982 - Born in Ankara.
2004 - Graduated from Hacettepe University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Sculpture Department.
2007 - Graduated from Hacettepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Sculpture.
2009 - Completed the Erasmus Program in Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Art de Bourges, France.
2012 - He completed his doctorate at Hacettepe University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Sculpture.
Selected Exhibitions
2019 - Contemporary Istanbul, Siyah Beyaz Art Gallery, Istanbul, TR
2019 - ''35 x 35'', Galeri Siyah Beyaz, Ankara, TR
2018 - Contemporary Istanbul, Siyah Beyaz Art Gallery, Istanbul, TR
2018 - ''First Round'', Banu-Hakan Çarmıklı Art Collection, Galata Rum Okulu, Istanbul, TR
2017 - ‘How Can We Carry This Load?" - Siyah Beyaz Art Gallery, Ankara, TR
2017 - Contemporary Istanbul, Siyah Beyaz Art Gallery, Istanbul, TR
2016- ''Suspended: Not an Object But a Subject", Scotty Enterprises, Berlin, DE
2016 - 'Contemporary Istanbul, Design Bay, Istanbul, TR
2015- ''Old - New Anatolia'' - Academy Fine Arts Warsaw, PL
2015 - Beirut Art Fair, Beirut, LB
2014- 'There is a madness in my mind ', Gülin and Emre Dökmeci Art Collection - Cermodern, Ankara, TR
2014 - 'Contemporary Istanbul, art ON Istanbul & CI Editions, Istanbul, TR
2013- 'Untitled II' - Pilevneli Project, Istanbul, TR
2013 - Contemporary Istanbul, art ON Istanbul, Istanbul, TR
2012- ‘Art Takes Times Square’ by Artist Wanted, New York, US
2011- 'Nevnesil - Art of Defence' - Gallery Nev, Ankara, TR
2010- '2nd. Door / Containers' - Cermodern, Ankara, TR
2009 – ‘Metaphore’- La Clandestine lieu d’exposition, Bourges, FR
2007- 'New Impression, New Form' - GOETHE Institute, Ankara, TR
Fırat Engin300 pieces of cast polyester coffee cups measuring 15cm(L) x R:9cm, each15cm(L) x R:9cm ölçülerinde 300 Adet her biriDetails
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